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I believe that creativity is only an enhancer of reality

I have been an art lover along all of my life, even if in my past life I was a technician, living in a world that doesn’t know the real value of beauty and art.

Thus, some years ago, I made up my mind to change my life and came back to my youthful love, picking up my camera and I started to tell stories with it.

More than a painter, that represents his own world on the canvas, I try to represent my own world, no matter if real or imaginary, starting from the shots from the real life.

This is a wonderful challenge for me, I enjoy it, and I try to communicate it to the other people.

I produce photos or, better, images, for my art projects and for every art lover, and I’m glad when I see my works inside their homes and their offices.

Photography has become for me something like paintbrushes for a painter, and so I can do my favourite thing: to tell a story.

And I can do it, for a wide range of purposes, in my indipendent or committed art projects.